Mindful Gurukul Private Limted has been recently funded by IIT Mandi Catalyst

Skitii our revolutionary app is available on playstore now

Take a selfie to know your focus

Powered by Technology  Backed by Neuroscience

Trusted by Schools and Colleges


  • Reduced Stress for Monitoring Daily Studying for children
  • Shift from Monitoring to supervising studying at home
  • Less Burden So more focus on other essential Activities
  • Better relationship with children
  • Better Time managemnet and self growth


  • Increase Focus
  • Reduce Distraction
  • Reduce Stress from studying
  • Improve relationship and being sensitive to others
  • Self confident with regular studying and able to handle competition more maturedly
  • Peaceful Sleep
  • Positive atittude to studying

Our Research of 10000+ Student while Studying says



65% of students experience Stress and fear of underperforming.

"रिजल्ट का सोचके डर लगता है!"


80% feel distraction is the primary cause of scoring less marks.

"पता ही नहीं चलता में कब पढ़ना भूल गयी!"


58% feel anxious and lonely while studying. "

"चिंता होती है ममी पापा क्या सोचेंगे मुझे मार्क्स कम आये तोह! "
Time table

Timetable Mangement

85% Students are unable to follow their timetable.

मैं हर रोज Timetable बनाता हूं लेकिन उसका पालन नहीं कर पा रहा हूं!

Low Motivation

61% get demotivated more than once in a week

पढाई करने को मन ही नहीं करता!

Feel Lazy

49% feel lazy and dont want to do anything

इतनी आलास आती है, पढ़ने को!

Best Tuitions ya Classes लगालो ! घर जाके पढ़ना toh Padhega hi!


Join the program today and go through a transformational experience

Achieving Top Results the Skitii Way?

When children are constantly pushed to perform at the top of their class, they may rush through childhood and lose out on critical developmental milestones. Time is needed for them to work on their “calm my mind” abilities, learn to create and achieve goals, make mistakes and grow from them, as well as to focus on their personal passions and hobbies.

We want to assist children develop the mental fortitude and skills necessary to handle these kinds of circumstances in a more positive light for the benefit of everyone.

+ 0
0 %
Success Rate
Success-Mindful Gurukul
Mindful gurukul Logo

Our programs are designed to create strong studying habits and empower students to enhance self study hours  with a calm mind.


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